Merry X-mas and/or a happy holydays for everyone! (Click on the image to see the 4k version) And good NEWS: The update is ready, I just need to debug spell check and do small stuff Since I don’t want to bother the people that helps me(because its holyday) I will be doing it all by […]

Since it was voted 3 months ago by all patrons: The next update was going to be a DOUBLE UPDATE in the college, A full update for Trevis and a full update for Chloe at the same time. So it should need double the time. but since The Trevis part is 100% done it could […]

I waited till now to give a Full progress update( outside discord) Because I HAD a very good surprise for Halloween, Some of you may know Bella’s Birthday is exactly at -October 31st- so she always bugs to make something especial, like last year we delayed to whole game to make a full Halloween side […]

I am Running a poll, to try to make the gamer better/run better/looks better ETC: Please answer here if you are patron -HERE-   Topics New interactive animations, And in the future bigger more powerful and iterative one: New idles to make the game smaller and to run faster:   Progress update: -already finished 23 […]

The polls at Patreon has ended: by far, the next update will be about the college(mostly)  with 50/50 Trevis and Chloe. But outside college it still mostly Trevis Glory hole is also ADD to the To-DO list,   And Diane won By 4 votes, ( the biggest diference on the 25$ patrons so far)   […]

Sorry about the “slow update” But the next update is now done and on debug stage, So you can expect later this month, or early next one. why did it took a bit longer that I Promised>> 77 new animation/sex scenes: Was voted to Re-use the old night club But I end up RE-making the […]

it has been 5 updates, and the and Chloe was half playable only,after a lot of requests the NEXT update will add Chloe to be 100% playable where you can switch from Travis to Chloe Freely. her update alone will add over 60 NEW sex scenes( the best looking so far-Im still learning new stuff-) […]

Progress Update JAN

Frist thanks for everyone that plays Chloe18 games/fake family and even bigger thanks for those who supports. Bella Has finished her part some time ago, Rendering is going slow due The render machines overheating, so I’m moving starting today to a bigger studio with AC that will allow me to render fast and finish the […]

Happy new year for every supporter and everyone else that enjoys the Chloe18 Series From Bella and GDS   Last update was in early November, A huge update with over 20 sex scenes all about Halloween, since then we have been working on the following update that will be about the WIFE/MOM and Chloe(be able […]