Easter without Eggs – progress update –

Happy Easter, and may the bunny bring you lots of sexy thoughts.
Progress update:
I end up biting more than i cloud chew, but i refuse to give a half-baked Content, Hence the a bit longer update wait time.
what is finished for the next update
-Total remake of text and images, making to run more smooth even on android
– new story line and a second playable character
– total remake of Chloe’s College, with lots of new places to go.
-a new interactive home(HUGE, i can’t really how big this is)
-i planned to animated only a few girl, but I end up animating almost all girls, and several girls have a different animation for every outfit(that’s a lot, and took me too much time)
– almost every character have it’s own story-line, like Otaku, Taylor and her all NEW family, Detention, the team, the cheerleaders, the teachers (all have a medium or big own story-line half done already)
story-line already done:
Hanna, and her date. -Huge story-line content-
Otaku, the nerd’s club and the bullying, several small quests were you bully or help him. Carrie plays a small part too
Total Ramake of the cheerleader, they still the same, but looks way more realistic and hot, and now they have huge story-line, they alone have already 12 sex scenes done, plus a lot of non-sex content.
The teachers, especial the Sadist one, and a new slutty one, (small stories)
Amy got a HUGE content update, from a shy girl to a corrupted little girl, several dates and much more.
Pizza-girl got several small scenes
4 new girls, 3 of them got already 6 sex scenes done already EACH. the last one(tomboy-ish girl)have only one.
Gym-classes at the college, HUGE amount of content planed, but a small already done(all girls got they own animation with gym clothes that took time)
Tom-Her slutty girlfriend, his sister and the entire Basketball team. have they own finished story-line(fucking too much IMO)
Things that are half done:
-Amy’s date( too much content to finish)
-Chloe’s several dates
-Taylor’s date
-A new MAP system, (GTA2 style, that can be simplified if you wish) <= this sucker took me 3 weeks,
-The director’s office have over 10 sex scenes done (planned around 20)
Things that i plan to finish before the update is released:
50 more sex scene(i wish, 1 day work each so expect way less)
new dates(3 more planed)
A few more things I’m forgetting about
And a gift from Bella – CLICK to see ALL IMAGES-:
I guess a few more months of waiting then…
Is that the new font/text? Looks a bit like an old arcade, kinda like Street fighter
Bella is hot
I wouldn’t be surprised if you lost all your followers on patreon,
you should do small updates every month
I’m bored, so let’s play with numbers.
He said “50 more sex scene(i wish, 1 day work each” = 50 days
Using that 1 day per scene as our base here are my calculations:
(Half done stuff)
Let’s assume the dates have 5 scenes to be done in total each, that’s Amy, Chloe and Taylor => 3x5x1= 15 days
Map system (3 weeks and it’s at 50%) => another 3 weeks = 21 days
Director scenes: 10×1 => 10 Days
(Things to be done before the update)
50 sex scenes => 50 days
3 more dates (let’s say 5 scenes each like before) => 15 days
Stuff he is forgetting, let’s say another week => 7 days.
Which gives us:
15+21+10+50+15+7 = 118 days (4 months)
I guess I’ll be back by mid August 🙁
I thought you were going to send me a password when I became a patrion member. I still havent received it.
did u recieve?
Can you add more strip bet like pizza delivery and the team please
my patreon support will stop, too
im too !
Yea you said you wanted to hire up a team with patreon money. You should post the game this week.
Well… The problem with patron and game developers is that at some point it plays against the development of the game.
Look it this way: if you have a cash milking cow do you really want to release the game and lose that sweet and steady cashflow? That’s why some developers keep postponing the release date (yandere simulator for example) by adding fixes, minor mechanics and other changes over and over again.
I really hope gds doesn’t end like that…
Peder Silver
No, your logic is faulty. Without current releases, people will eventually have seen all the past released material. And new formatting techniques (other developers) will be competing for limited money. If you wish to act like you have a sense of business study such then comment. The carrot and the stick, I see threats, I see begging. I see requests. How about, not just stating a problem but offering solutions and suggestions on timely releases. Once material is drawn, animated, and text is assigned, it still needs editing and proofing. I previously offered my services to assist. I can do so in both English and the teams native language and offer to help them hit other markets. But so far no interest has been seen, here, on patreon, nor on my email. So I will just provide a small sample from story line above as a teaser. Spelling and grammar corrected from above: Remake total da líder de torcida, eles ainda são os mesmos, mas parece muito mais realista e quente, agora eles têm uma enorme história-line, há 12 cenas de sexo já feitas, além de um monte de conteúdo não-sexual. This is how it should read in English: Total remake of the cheerleader, they still the same, but it looks way more realistic and hot, now they have a huge story-line, there are 12 sex scenes already done, plus a lot of non-sex content.
wtf is wrong with patreon givers keep demanding shit and then get mad when impolomenting shit takes
time gds told you he would not give an relese dead line because you pice of shits get upset if you
want sonner updates dont demand shit in the game also if you think that droping patreon will make
the game come soner think agin asholes
Gotta love how the only one person swearing in the comments can barely write English.
Kids these days….
fuck you self you pice of shittalker
Not another progress update without an update why gds why!??? Please release smaller updates more often
May we please have an update? The anticipation is killing me lol.
Don’t worry, There will be another progress update soon… Telling us to wait a few more months as usual lol
he who waits for something good never waits too long
Unless you die of coronavirus lol
this update is going to be massive and you people bitching about it wow people nowadays are so impatient nowadays it’s unbelievable
I think the main reason for the complains is that lack of progress reports. At one point we were told to expect an update every Friday. That has slowed to maybe one a month or less.
And by update I mean where things are at with the development of the next version of the game, and not weekly updates to the game itself.
I would be more then happy with a brief weekly development statement, and a few photos of the beautiful Bella.
Personally i would love smaller updates of maybe one a month, but if i can’t have that i agree that at least more often notices on what’s going on would help
If He is Working With an New game Engine total Conversion Of The game ?
give it until may before i pull my support of gds. i like the game but the lack of updates.
May has come…
Any way we can get a progress update w/ Bella pics or the new version/upgrade to the game.
Will you please consider including dogs and horses as the girls companions? 😉
Yup, dogs and Horses available by 2023… lol
Dunno why you all are getting so impatient and rude. He obviously explained that he is reformatting the WHOLE game. That is a lot of recoding and a lot of time m, especially for one person.
He also said several times that he was going to hire someone, but apparently those green papers mean more to him than finishing the game
Best game ever, you have achieved something special…but it is true, $10 per month, month after month, now when money is very tight, is frustrating. I think you know the dream diary update was not the greatest. Releasing material incrementally would be a relief. The new material seems promising. But after making us wait this long there should be some extremely wild options available. (I mean, does Chloe NEVER choose to drink piss?) Mainly, I think we all need more progress reports at least. If another month doesn’t bring this giant new update–or even just half of it–less than half even–I may have to give up for a while. I am willing to pay for content as good as yours. But right now we’re paying for frustration. We understand your position. Please understand ours. We all have made an investment in this.
Now the 12th of june , still no updates,starting to think your just sucking money here
where can i download the easter update?