Dating Amy Final version SOON™


DATING AMY Final Update is close by

TL;DR Next month will be the next update with over 30 new animations

You guys voted to add a lot of content related to dating Amy. Originally, it was scheduled for release today with no new additions, but due to overwhelming votes on Patreon, we’ve had to extend the timeline slightly.

I’m thrilled to announce that it’s nearly complete. Here’s what to expect in the final update:

  • 6 scenes (animations) for Amy, each with several endings (finished)
  • 6 scenes (animations) for Amy’s sister Kaoru, each with a couple of endings (finished)
  • 4 scenes (animations) with Daiane (finished)
  • 6 scenes (animations) for Trevis’ Mom (finished)
  • 4 scenes (animations) for Trevis’s sister Kaylee (work in progress)
  • 3 scenes (animations) with the tomboy girl at the beach (finished)
  • New storyline involving the police girls (work in progress)
  • A special ending featuring new scenes (animations) with both sisters, Amy and Kaoru (work in progress)
  • New storyline to woo a girl with Cameron as wingman (work in progress)
  • New storyline for the Otaku and his friend (finished)
  • A scoreboard for Trevis and Cameron to compete over who scores more (finished)
  • A potential bad ending for pestering Daiane too much and failing her scenes (still deciding)

Additionally, there are a lot of non-animated tasks like dialogue and exploration to tackle.


As you can see, I’ve already completed 26 scenes (animations) this month, and there are only 6 more scenes to finish, along with a few unresolved endings and miscellaneous tasks.

Everything is progressing faster than expected; despite the added content, the release is set for next month, a month sooner than initially anticipated!


Also I kind of improved my videos a BIT:

Some Screenshots:

April 29, 2024 GDS Chloe18 19 Comments


  1. Anonymous

    May 1, 2024

    Still alive and scamming patrons, I see.

    • Anonymous

      May 6, 2024

      Doesnt he do what patrons wanted for last 3 years? just asking, no offense.
      – Renewing chloe female protagonist games, adding chloe protagonist in FF, Adding ntr, lesbian and masturbating stuff in male rote in FF, and e.t.c …
      Only thing he did alright it is 1 part(part 2 is a garbage) of Dating Amy. except travis’s enormous 40 cm dick. and the fact that is not in FF like it supposed to be.

  2. Anonymous

    May 1, 2024

    That’s all he does

  3. Kayley

    May 6, 2024

    And all that would be a ntr + lesbian + watching masturbating on phone again?
    Didnt see pictures to not spoil, but Amy part 2 was 90% of this. Likewise last FF scenes, And last 3 years of GDS work starting with adding chloe to FF

  4. blobby

    May 20, 2024

    It is indeed now next month, nearly even next next month

    • Chloe19

      May 23, 2024
      • Kayley

        May 27, 2024

        maybe it was an april’s fool joke also

  5. Anonymous

    June 5, 2024

    Annnnnnnnd to the surprise of no one, the guy didn’t deliver.

  6. Anonymous

    June 10, 2024

    It’s the month after “next month.”

  7. Anonymous

    June 15, 2024
    • Anonymeow

      June 16, 2024
  8. Anonymous

    June 18, 2024
    • Anonymous

      June 18, 2024

      Maybe he had to go fight in ukraine

      • Kayley

        July 24, 2024
    • Anonymous

      June 19, 2024

      Oh man, hope not.

  9. Uncle phil

    June 29, 2024

    Alright gds please give us progress updates or something buddy your chloe18 games are some of my favorites for adult games the cheerleading stuff with chloe and Taylor is amazing I’d love a game about her just corrupting Taylor again with a bunch of scenes or all the different cheerleaders love fat beth too wish she had more content

    • Anonymous

      June 29, 2024

      chloe as a character is amazing, and i love the chloe games too. much potential, but the lack of communication, failed promises and missed deadline, combined with the generally abyssmal update speed truely ruin it. Especially since in the later chloe games tons of scenes where just recycled from previous ones and then marketed as new….

  10. PLEASE

    June 29, 2024

    This is my favorite game take your time GDS

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