FEB update getting near:

It should be on the first week of FEB
expect a new engine, better images, bigger resolution, and several better and new functions
It should be on the first week of FEB
expect a new engine, better images, bigger resolution, and several better and new functions
Really would like to support you as a patron/get things a month early, are you still doing this?
GDS author
yes,10$ PAtreons get the game 1 mouth early +walkthough
5$ 1 week later
Is this update free for all or just for Patreons?
GDS author
The full version will be for patrons, then after one month free for everyone
Is there any update for free available this month or have non-patreons to wait until march?
GDS author
soon the Chloe18 V06 will become public.
So, when shall we expect it? I really like the game and I am hyped for the update