Fake family 2025 progress update


You asked for Fake Family, and while I wanted to make Fake Family 2, my patrons voted to expand the first game instead.

Fake Family was great at launch and still is, but some parts of the engine and content didn’t age well over the past three years. Since it’s my own game engine, I spent the last few months updating and improving everything.

Now, Fake Family is back to being a top-tier (ish) adult game engine (ish) after this update, while maintaining its novel appeal but also functioning as a proper game.

I’ve created five new animation/sex interfaces, so there’s no more clicking or holding to progress in sex. I’ve implemented them all in Taylor’s scenes (including her old ones), so patrons can decide which format they prefer. for future scenes.

You’ll now have options like a fully interactive scene where the girls talk back and the scene progresses dynamically, camera control, or even animation control, where you can change actions as if it were a full 3D scene.

NEW content mode: Interactive

In this mode, you have full control over everything. The scene dynamically changes based on your commands, actions, or the girl’s preferences.

In the scene above, they’ll keep sucking your cock without touching each other, but if Taylor’s new stat (e.g., Bi-Curiosity) is high enough, you can ask them to kiss while sucking you. When you do, the animation seamlessly transitions from sucking to kissing—no loading or new scene required. You can switch back anytime.

If other conditions or requirements are met, you can change actions at will—always without loading. In some scenes, you can also slap them, kiss, or force the girl to Gag(she may like it or slap you).

Skirt/Wind Physics:

Now, when outside, the new idles include dynamic wind effects that randomly blow the girl’s skirts UP.

I’m still experimenting to find the perfect balance between realism and the wind flashing panties( as the emperor of Doge-kind intended to).

Here are some examples:

This is still a work in progress. So far, only three girls have updated idles with this feature, and some work better than others.

Above you see some of the new Text effects, and particles system that has been added to the game.

New Dating Spots and Unique Features:

You can now unlock up to 10 new dating spots for all datable girls, including the new ones (Taylor and Amy).

These spots are packed with interactions and activities, unlike before, where you mostly just watched a scene and left.

[New date system above]

To avoid grinding and repetition, there’s now an inventory system and gift-giving mechanics.

[Inventory/gift system above]

Additionally, there are more “After Date” actions. Previously, it was just having sex in the back alley, but now you can take the girls to the park for public sex or to a secret place (the park is for all girls, while the secret spot is exclusive to the new datable girls for now).

Unique Systems for Each New Datable Girl:

Amy: She has a unique “panties Wetness” level, which you can see in real-time as her cotton panties get wet based on your choices.

Amy is also trainable. Since you was her Frist; she has three new stats (Oral, pussy, and anal) that you can train to unlock more scenes, positions, and sex options lingeries. Eventually, so you can eventually double date with her sister.


Taylor’s New Dating System: Taylor’s dating mechanics are based on her new Bi-Curiosity stat, her/your family dynamics, with her new Alabama stat. and mostly done toward she thinking you are gay while you try to bang her.


Camera Controls:

Using Taylor’s old animations as example:

Camera Control: Click to change camera angles and perspectives.

Zoom In/Out: Zooming can trigger reactions from Taylor. For example, repeatedly zooming on her butt might make her like it, complain, or even ask you fuck her ass.

Actions and Stats: Perform actions to influence Taylor or earn points for her stats (can be set to auto-mode in the menu).


New Progress System: Instead of buttons to rush or slow down, there are now timed unlocks (also available in auto-mode). Taylor will react differently in newer scenes (older scenes won’t be updated to save time for new content).

Mini Camera: Click and drag the mini camera to move it out of the way.

ALL in one Formats(merging several scenes into one)

Fake Family has been on hold for a couple of years, yet it remains  as one of the games with the most content (scenes, girls, etc.). However, as the game grew bigger, it became a bit annoying to hunt through 200+ sex scenes and extras. To address this, I’m merging several scenes into one, with seamless transitions and no loading screens.

For example, this particular scene originally had two different intros where Taylor takes pictures. You could then make a few choices and select between oral, vaginal, or anal. To see everything, you’d need to replay it 2-3 times plus  6 kinds of cumshots. or you’d have to replay the scene up to 6 times in the replay menu to experience it all.

Now, everything is streamlined into one seamless experience, reducing the need for repetitive replays.

You can seamlessly transition between oral, ass, and pussy as many times as you want—no loading screens, no timers, and no need to rush.

In the video above, I was clicking as fast as possible to show how quickly the game can handle multiple actions at once. It might look chaotic with all the information, but since there’s no rush, you can take your time and focus on one thing at a time (recommended).

You can control your actions by clicking on the icons, which will change based on what you do.

You can interact with Taylor by asking questions, giving orders, or simply talking  and answer her( Taylor in particular gets turned on when you pretend to her Brother, but other girl act differently Hanna will Wants to be dominant while she is been a brat, Chloe will pretend she doesn’t want to, but get angry if you don’t do it, And so on)

This means you don’t need to replay to see all interactions. Her reactions—whether she likes or dislikes something—will depend on your choices. Best of all, the game won’t pause, freeze, or load during these interactions.

Speed control is no longer mandatory—you can set it to whatever you prefer. However, Taylor may ask you to go faster or slower, or you can tease her to influence her reactions.

  1. Taylor asks you to slow down fucking her ass.
  2. You control the speed using the blue/pink indicator to slow down fucking her ass.
  3. Taylor earns points as long as you maintain the speed she wants. Later, she might ask you to speed up and fuck her harder, offer or beg you to fuck her pussy –  beg you to cum inside -ETC.

full (Extra/long) mode:

I’m still deciding whether to keep this mode in the game:

  • You control the camera (up/down, zoom in/out) and adjust speed, similar to other modes.
  • However, I feel it might require too much attention, and most players would likely set it to one position and leave it.
  • It may not be worth the extra rendering time and increased game file size.

In-Game Walkthrough:

$10+ patrons will now have access to an in-game quest menu.

It can be toggled on/off and switched between simple/spoiler-free or full step-by-step walkthrough modes.

New quests will pop up at the bottom of the screen when completed, unlocked, or updated.

So far, only the new content and Taylor’s entire storyline (from the first update to all her new content) will feature this system, along with some hard-to-find content from earlier updates that may be required for the new stuff.


Taylor’s New Wardrobe:
Taylor will receive a modernized wardrobe, with each outfit featuring several unique sex scenes. For now, One new outfit have animated idles.

Other Girls’ Actions:
They will also get new content and interactions.

The  Criminal and Family stats have been simplified.

Some criminal stats have been merged to keep the system streamlined, and a new Stalker/Dating stat has been added.

This new stat will unlock more college club activities and introduce a unique dating/stalking system with special interactions for new girls.


February 2, 2025 GDS Chloe18 6 Comments


  1. Jeno

    February 3, 2025

    This is absolutely incredible! For me this is easily Fake Family 2, but much better because it’s got all the content of the existing game. Super excited about playing this again! Very happy you got back to this game again as I wasn’t a big fan of all the spinoffs with recycled content 🙂

  2. Pickle

    February 3, 2025
  3. Kayley

    February 4, 2025

    I would like to read it in text version only. You cant read the text part without spoilers. so will check it after release.

    pros: in this game there is no save problem like in Dating Amy because of repetable scenes(in Dating Amy you have to go through all game to get remembered scene you wanted to replay so it breaks immersion completely(i know there is a replays). even if you have day 4-5 save, you have to do all chain from start(btw thanks god GDS himself did those quest chains, they themselves are dope)Then we have 2 remaining save slots, where there are 3 paths and 5 days to fit. Its like 10% space of slots whats needed.
    idk why GDS cant allow to save everywhere. i even probably saw game with similar engine or menu with renpy-style(ordinary) saves. in FF its ok, but in DA its a linear game.

    cons: like GDS mentioned, it was the great at launch and top 1 on f95 for 2+ years, but because of female protag games making FF was abandoned in 2021. and last update was in female-protag style, out of male interest plot.(girl wrote plot and kinks that she thinks men like, or did it like she didnt care) same as the start of Dating Amy. again ty GDS that you wrote at least last part of its plot.

    So we actually have to be at least in the middle of FF2, with FF1 fully made.

    i hope for this part ofFF GDS is who wrote the plot. AND TREVIS WONT HAVE A MONSTROUS DICK like in Dating Amy and it wont ruin long-awaited scenes like with Amy was.

    • Kayley

      February 4, 2025

      and ofc this last update of FF and start of the DA was full of girl’s masturbating or peeking when some LI is fucked by other dudes. total crap that should only exist in chloe mc’ games.

  4. Anonymous

    February 6, 2025
  5. Hex

    February 10, 2025

    Do u need beta tester ? <3

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