Chloe18 Poll results and a new QoL Update

Click on the image to go to the latest Update
First you voted for a QoL update and then a bigger update so here it is:
QoL update for patrons HERE
- -Achievements Can now be seen in the game menu (you still can only replay the scenes on the main menu)
- -clicking on a Locked Achievement will show hints on WHERE to find that scene, (it will not go into details since not everyone can see the walk-thought)
- -In game menu RE-done , the menu now looks better and cooler and easier to find stuff
- -Done/max markers for achievements in several place so you can keep track of stuff easily
- -Multiple Save/load slots
- –Wardrobe where you can see her 20 clothes so far, a small scene for each an get a Temporary bonus
- -Added item to buy at the beach
- -taking a consumable item will Overheal Chloe’s energy(that energy is lost if not used that same day)
- -Now Chloe can Get bonus to her stats that lasts one day, so you can avoid grinding(each bonus can be taken once a week and Chloe can only take one a day)
- -Now Chloe’s Slut level will give a bonus to when Chloe’s get exhibitionism . + ,1 per Slut-level when she get to 1.0 she gets a extra point
- -fixed wrong animation on level-up when you fast click a scene -Chloe will get more exhibitionism when her Slut is high
- -fixed a lot of crashed on windows when you saw too much sex in a single day with low RAM
- -fixed The bug where if you clicked too fast you could do thing without using energy
- -Fixed The voice of bella saying ‘HEEEY’ On the intro menu
- -fixed Bug where a new slut point will not add while the old one animations still on screen (fast clicking for the win)
- -fixed bug that if you skipped to much some stats would not add and make the game harder-longer-grinder
Then you said you wanted a bigger update not a monthly, and I asked What theme:
click to see full Post with the update description
You guys wanted Chloe to go back to the red-district, maybe use her stripper dress, open the bar to her to visit and much more,
Well you got it:
Bella got a bit mad that her option wasnt voted, but well We liked the voted stuff, right?
This will be a huge update I’m working on it already and Bella started to write some stories for it,
There will some cheerleaders stuff too, and…
You can choose one of this girls to have A lot of scene on the next update to( they wont be on the red-district)
This pool is still going for a single week:(Click on the image To see the poll and cast your vote)
This is the secondary Poll and since I have so little patrons that can vote Every-vote counts, so if you haven’t voted already PLEASE DO!
Hi there. Qol-Update looks cool for me but there unfortunately is a bug that appears frequently in windows-version!
Says something like :
Error in action number 1 of draw event from objekt SEX_MASTER
Trying to draw non-existing sprite at gml_object_SEX_MASTER_Draw_0
stack frame is gml_ObjectSEX_MASTER_Draw_0 (line-1)
hope you can fix it soon!
Hi gds, sorry but i dont like this update.
The wardrobe is good but i can choose the chlotes not a bonus.
I think i will not pay for the next update .
Thx and gg
Is there also an update for us poor people?
I think the latest free version is V22
Can we get a newer version for android
Any body can help, how to open achievement “The stolen bike I”?
adds pantie less go to work
He don’t read us.
It was better the first chloe, this is shit
I hope he ends the role-play game or adds more content to it.
Also a second (or third) story would be nice 🙂